Don’t Keep Your Attendees Waiting! Let Them Prepare Weeks in Advance of the Conference
Jujama’s unique conference apps come with a desktop event platform, available weeks before the event begins, and weeks after it ends. This large window of access allows participants to build their profile, research other attendees, start asking for meetings and building out their personal agenda well in advance of the conference. Participants arrive better prepared and ready to maximize their time at your event. Then they can follow up from their desktop computer once they return to work after the conference ends.
It’s more convenient to enter data from a full-sized keyboard…but when the event arrives, all that information is readily available via the Jujama mobile conference app on the attendee’s smartphone or tablet. It’s the best of both worlds!
For industry associations and professional groups, Jujama’s desktop conference platform can also provide a one-of-a-kind year-round networking community for your attendees—a private and secure place where members can connect with one another.