JUJAMA offers optional onsite app support at our customers’ events. “Why?” you may ask. “If the app is so easy to use, why would we need onsite support?” Here are the top three ways that onsite app support pays off in real terms: Maximizing attendee usage of the app:...
Do you and your team attend the J.P. Morgan conference each year? Whether you are attending the conference itself or planning offsite meetings, JUJAMA’s executive scheduling tool, BioProScheduler, can get you in front of other potential attendees so that you can talk...
Event platforms and apps are such a huge leap forward compared to the old ways of keeping conferences organized—and media-rich attendee profiles are a great example of how empowering your event app can be. Instead of just a registration roll, the media-rich...
Have you ever run out of business cards before the end of a card swap? How about gotten back to the office and discovered with horror that all the cards you collected at the event are gone? Fortunately, those days are gone. Electronic business cards are simple for...
Like all businesses, your event needs a web presence—preferably one that enhances your brand and is fully integrated with your registration system and event networking platform/mobile app. But this does not have to mean juggling several technology vendors and a...
Everyone knows what a compelling marketing force social media has become. This is as true of marketing for the events industry as for other sectors. But how many event organizers have a social media guru on staff? How many have the time to add social media marketing...